Saturday, December 8, 2007

Financially Challenged? It's Time For A Change

As 2007 comes to a close, we start making promises
to ourselves. One of them usually has something
to do with MONEY!

We vow to ourselves we are sick and tired of
struggling to make ends meet. Enough is enough.

So you research online until you are overwhelmed
and a little bit crazy. Now you know what
information overload is all about.

Tips To Shut Out The Noise

1. Take deep breath

2. Zero in on one thing that interests YOU. Don't
get caught up in every headline, offer and promise
you come across.

3. When you feel your hair stand on end, shut off
the computer and give it a rest. It will still be there
later on after you've taken a refresher.

4. When you find something you're interested in
and you'd like to give it a try...FOCUS. On yourself.
Don't go looking for trouble. Like how much competition
there is in your niche.

5. Know and understand there will be road blocks.
Where isn't there any? You will get over them.

6. Be persistent. Not to the point you're chewing
nails. The kind you hammer, that is. Moderation
is key. You want to make more money. Not make
yourself sick.

7. Pat yourself on the back for deciding to change
how you do things and make a better life for yourself
and your loved ones.

There is only one way to have NO competition. That
is with your own exclusive product. The easiest way
to get your own product is to create it.

And to do that in the fastest, easiest way possible
without locking yourself in a padded cell is right here...
