Monday, June 11, 2007

Writing Secrets for Building Your eBook Business

If you can't wait to go straight to Tiffany Dow's
official site, ok...bye for now...Click Here!

Now, for some writing secrets...

1....You have to write an eBook with your
market in mind.

If you have it in your mind to write something
like..."What Bumper Stickers To Use To Attract
The Opposite Sex"....then you had better do your

And make darn well sure there are people out
there that actually want psychos tailgating them!
And, willing to pay you for your eBook!

You will do this by researching keywords &
keyword phrases.

How many times a day do people go online and
search for "bumper stickers for getting me sex".

Oh...not a good idea, huh?

Of course, it's great to write about a topic you love.
If there's a market for it, better than great! But,
if you are serious about building your own eBook
Business, you will be researching in order to give
your future customers what they want!

'Cause you won't be building an eBook empire
business without happy customers...Click Here!