Sunday, June 17, 2007

Writing eBooks: Do Not Reinvent The Wheel

Writing eBooks doesn't have to be difficult.
It's the writer that suffers from perfectionism.

When you go to the bookstore, you don't see
only one book per subject. Same as eBooks.

If a subject interests a consumer, they want
to have different viewpoints.

Here's where you will spy on your competition.
See what's out there. Is there a way to improve
on something already published?

Are there areas missing that you could write

Watch what's selling. Look at trends. Consumers
will tell you what they want.

The old saying..."There's nothing new under the
sun" is true. It's up to the writer to bring their
unique knowledge and fresh slant to a niche.

Writing ebooks is the easiest way for the writer
to start earning money.

Learn every step you need to know in
Building An eBook Empire...

Click Here!